ホームObjectivism and Individualism教育アトラス大学
Objectivism and Individualism

Objectivism and Individualism


Question: Is Objectivism a division of individualism, or is individualism a division of Objectivism? (philisophically speaking)

Answer: "Individualism" is a term for classifying theories, such as ethical or social theories. Any theory that places the individual foremost or in a fundamental position is a kind of individualism.

 Objectivism holds that all knowledge comes, ultimately, through the rational interpretation of the evidence of the senses by an individual, for that individual. In ethics, it holds that each individual's life and happiness is the proper purpose of morality. In politics, it advocates individual rights to life, liberty, and property. So, certainly, Objectivism is a kind, or species, of individualism.

There are other types of individualism: Nietzsche's will-to-power philosophy is a kind of individualism, in a sense. A hedonistic, do-whatever-you-want philosophy would be a kind of individualism. Solipsism, cutting oneself off from the rest of society, is also, I suppose, a kind of individualism. None of these are compatible with Objectivism. So in this sense, Objectivism does not include all individualisms within it.



ウィリアム・R・トーマス(William R Thomas)は、客観主義的な思想について執筆し、教えている。アトラス・ソサエティから出版されている『The Literary Art of Ayn Rand』と『Ethics at Work』の編集者である。また、経済学者でもあり、さまざまな大学で教鞭をとることもある。
