

The Atlas Society Asks Larry Elder

May 31, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 154th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews renowned libertarian political commentator and talk-radio host Larry Elder. Listen as they talk about his upcoming book "Ask Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation" along with his entry into the 2024 presidential race.

The Atlas Society Asks Lars Tvede

May 24, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 153rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks for a conversation with Swiss-based venture capitalist Lars Tvede about his views on Objectivism, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Don't miss it as they also discuss Tvede's latest book, "From Malthus to Mars: How to Live, Lead, and Learn in an Exponential World."

Art & Aesthetics with Rob Tracinski

May 17, 2023
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special webinar discussion concerning the role and power of art and aesthetics in Objecitivst thinking. Listen as he also discusses music, a subject not extensively covered by Ayn Rand, herself. Previous Episode

The Atlas Society Asks Jean Twenge

May 10, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 151st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge about her recent book "Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--and What They Mean for America's Future." Dr. Jean Twenge is a psychologist who researches generational differences, including work values, life goals, and speed of development. She is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University and the author of more than 180 scientific publications and books.

Being An Optimistic American: The Atlas Society Asks Paul Johnson

May 3, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 150th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews CEO and Co-Founder of Redirect Health Paul E. Johnson about his recent book "Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You." With a background in business, politics, and government becoming the youngest mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, at 30 years old, Paul has managed several state campaigns for presidential candidates and is the host of "The Optimistic American podcast," which works to create space in the news media for a positive and hopeful view of America.

Philosophy, Creativity, Communication: The Atlas Society Asks Leopold Ajami

April 26, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 149th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Leopold Ajami, a public speaking coach, Creative & Strategic Consultant, and Objectivist. He integrates Philosophy with creativity and communication to help you design your voice above the noise and build a philosophical blueprint to live by. He is the co-host of the Ideas on Trial Podcast and the founder of the Novel Philosophy Academy.

In Defense of the Second Amendment: The Atlas Society Asks Larry Correia

April 19, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 148 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews bestselling author Larry Correia about his new non-fiction book "In Defense of The Second Amendment," which is a must-read for those looking for up-to-date news on the conversation surrounding gun policy and politics.

The Student Debt Trap: The Atlas Society Asks Josh Mitchell

April 12, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 147 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews journalist Josh Mitchell about his book "The Debt Trap: How Student Loans Became a National Catastrophe." Josh Mitchell is a journalist for The Wall Street Journal who spent fourteen years in the Journal's D.C. bureau, winning the Education Writers Association's 2016 award as the nation's top higher education reporter for his coverage. "The Debt Trap" explores the last seventy years of the student loan industry that would submerge a generation of Americans into $1.5 trillion in student debt.


April 5, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 146th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Gabrielle Bauer about her book "Blindsight is 2020: Reflections on Covid Policies from Dissident Scientists, Philosophers, Artists, and More." Gabrielle Bauer's health and medical writing has won several national aways and her new publication from the Brownstone Institute profiles dozens of thinkers, bringing fresh and diverse perspectives on the ethical breaches and social upheaval resulting from COVID-19 policies.

The Atlas Society Asks Michael Liebowitz

March 29, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 145th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews prison reform advocate and Objectivist Michael Liebowitz and his book "Down the Rabbit Hole: How the Culture of Corrections Encourages Crime." Michael Liebowitz is an author, prison reform advocate and Objectivist who spent 25 years in prison before turning his life around and dedicating himself to advocating for individual liberty. He is a frequent guest on the Todd Feinburg show and spokesman for the Libertarian Party of Connecticut.




CEOのジェニファー・グロスマンが、ジャーナリストでClimateDepot.comの発行人であるマーク・モラーノにインタビューするThe Atlas Society Asksの第143回エピソードに参加します。気候変動、政府による情報統制、そしてマルクの最新作「The Great Reset:グレートリセットの起源、その背後にいる人物、それがどのように実行されているか、COVID-19と「気候の非常事態」とされるものがどのように世界中でその進行を加速させたかを明らかにするものである。


アトラス・ソサエティ・アスクスの第142回目は、CEOのジェニファー・グロスマンが、ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラー作家ダニエル・ジェームズ・ブラウンと彼の最新作「Facing The Mountain」にインタビューします。第二次世界大戦における日系アメリカ人ヒーローの実話"


アトラス・ソサエティ・アスクスの第141回目は、CEOのジェニファー・グロスマンが、ジャーナリストで教育者のエスター・ウォジツキにインタビューします。幼少期の発達や、Wojcickiの著書「How to Raise Successful People」、「Moonshots in Education」についてお聞きください。


CEOのジェニファー・グロスマンが、The Atlas Society Asksの第140回目のエピソードとして、The Dispatchの編集長兼共同設立者であるジョナ・ゴールドバーグにインタビューします。ポピュリズム、腐敗、ナショナリズム、アイン・ランド、そして彼の最新作「Suicide of the West」に関する幅広いトピックについて議論している様子をご覧ください。




アトラス・ソサエティ・アスクスの第138回目は、CEOのジェニファー・グロスマンが、最新刊『Freedom's Furies』について、ゲストのティム・サンデファーにインタビューします。イザベル・パターソン、ローズ・ワイルダー・レーン、アイン・ランドはいかにして暗闇の時代に自由を見出したか。1943年に3人がそれぞれ『機械の中の神』、『自由の発見』、『噴水頭』を出版し、現代のリバタリアン運動の基礎を築いたというエピソードをお聞きください。




リチャード・サルスマン博士にインタビューし、時事問題、サルスマンの知的旅路、現在の仕事について話し合う「Scholars Ask Scholars」の特別セッションに、創設者のデイヴィッド・ケリー博士が参加します。


The Atlas Society Asksの第135回目は、CEOのジェニファー・グロスマンが、作家、クリエイター、ミュージシャン、政治評論家のエリック・ジュリー氏に、初のRippaverseコミックブック「Isom」の発売を成功させ、現在のアメリカ政治の状態についての考えをインタビューします。エリック・ジュリーは、自身のコミックブランド "The Rippaverse" を立ち上げるために300万ドル以上のプレセールを成功させ、コミックシーンに登場しました。ラッパーであり、人気YouTubeクリエイターでもある彼は、Being Libertarianの共同設立者であり、The Blazeのコンテンツコントリビューターであり、目覚めたメディアエンターテイメントを率直に批判している。
