James Burke’s series, Connections, is subtitled An Alternative View of Change because his perspective on technology and the social change
June 2007 -- 300. Starring Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Dominic West, David Wenham, Vincent Regan, Michael Fassbender, Tom Wisdom, Andrew
“Pretty soon [the young intellectual] will announce that it is time to reject the false choices of both left and right. We must all move
June 2007 -- I love opera! Thus recently I saw Die Walküre, the second installment of Richard Wagner’s monumental, four-part Ring cycle, at
Fall 2009 -- Those who have for some time followed the decades-long course of Ayn Rand’s growing cultural influence may recall a time when
June 2007 -- When we measure the progress of a society by its growth in freedom, we measure it . . . by the greater power on the part of the
December 2007 -- The first question to ask upon starting up a vehicle should be: “Where are the brakes?” The first question to ask upon
The institutionalized discrimination against women and religious minorities, the denial of the freedom of conscience, the deeply rooted
In 1969, after working as a high school intern at Goddard Space Flight Center on the Apollo 11 moon landing, I became an astronomy major in
In the first chapter of his eleventh bestseller, Bad Luck and Trouble, nameless men hover over the California desert in a Bell 222 helicopte
Who really wants to see another feel-good movie about a tough educator who takes on both the most violent juvenile delinquents and “the
July/August 2007 -- In recent columns and articles, I have found it useful to differentiate between bourgeois individualism and Romantic
Critics are of two sorts, it has been said: Those who make you want to read the work they are analyzing; and those who make you want to
Clint Eastwood is arguably our greatest living motion picture director. Thirty-five years after his directorial debut in the Hitchcock
When I’m with friends, a favorite party drinking game is watching “Behind the Music” on VH1. The show usually profiles some graying rock
As redemption tales, boxing movies more than hold their own alongside war pictures, Bible epics, and tough-guy teachers who turn around
Lee Child is the bestselling author of what Publisher’s Weekly calls “arguably today’s finest thriller series.” Its huge, and hugely popular
The Music Never Ends. Featuring Clint Eastwood, Tony Bennett, Harry Belafonte, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Martin Scorsese, Arthur Penn, Bill
I thoroughly enjoyed Michael Moore’s “documentary” Sicko. I went to San Antonio’s Bijou Crossroads on its opening night, and from the looks