Art and Literature

Art and Literature

“Man In the Place of the Gods: What Cities Mean.”

It’s hard to say, because the book is so interdisciplinary. The short answer is: Ayn Rand and cities. iUniverse, the publisher, requires au

May 24, 2016
Edward Hudgins
4 Mins
On The Fountainhead’s Anniversary, Reflect on Creators

Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead was published 73 years ago, May 7, 1943. It became a best-seller, and then a classic of 20th century

May 5, 2016
2 Mins
On Nabokov’s Birthday, Lessons in Liberty

April 22 marks the birthday of Vladimir Nabokov. Born in 1899, this writer had similarities to as well as differences from fellow Russian

Apr 22, 2016
Talia G. Hudgins
5 Mins
Understanding and Appreciating Art

Michelle Marder Kamhi’s new book Who Says That’s Art? presents a “commonsense view” of the visual arts that owes much to Ayn Rand’s

Nov 9, 2015
Michelle Marder Kamhi
2 Mins
Satisfying the Soul: An Interview with Michael Newberry

In college I discovered that I could paint, draw, and sculpt easily. Any project I had in mind I could go about making, and the finished...

Oct 4, 2015
10 Mins
Romanticist Writers Panel

Atlas Summit 2015 - Four fiction writers who write in the Romanticist tradition form a discussion panel to narrate their personal writing

Aug 24, 2015
2 Mins
"Selling" Ayn Rand's Ideas

Atlas Summit 2015 -- In the decade and a half since the publication of What Art Is: The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand, Louis Torres and Michel

Aug 3, 2015
Michelle Marder Kamhi
2 Mins
"The Literary Art of Ayn Rand" now in ebook form

We're pleased to announce that we have published a second edition of The Literary Art of Ayn Rand. The first edition of Literary Art grew

Jul 9, 2015
3 Mins
Postmodernism in the classroom

Postmodernism became the leading intellectual movement in the late twentieth century. It has replaced modernism, the philosophy of the

Mar 23, 2015
The Atlas Society
3 Mins
Bucking the Establishment in art

ATLAS SUMMIT 2014 -- Paul Ingbretson is an accomplished professional artist and teacher and a leading modern-day exponent of what became

Sep 2, 2014
2 Mins
RIP Barbara Branden

Author and speaker Barbara Branden died in Los Angeles yesterday at the age of 84. The Atlas Society will be publishing a detailed obituary

Dec 12, 2013
2 Mins
Wild Flowers - a play by John Enright

Chicago playwright John Enright discussed his work Wild Flowers at this year's Atlas Summit, and presented a video of the play. Wild Flowers

Jan 4, 2013
2 Mins
Review: The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico

In 1940, The Saturday Evening Post carried a short story by Paul Gallico (1897-1976), who had begun his career as a sports reporter but who

Feb 21, 2012
Arnold Baise
The Productive Genius of Johann Sebastian Bach

What marks a genius? If it is misanthropy, then Johann Sebastian Bach (born March 21, 1685) was not a genius. He did his greatest work in

Jan 30, 2012
3 Mins
Review: The Beacon at Alexandria

December 1997 -- The Beacon at Alexandria tells the story of Charis of Ephesus, a young woman living in the late Roman Empire who determine

Jan 26, 2012
3 Mins
A Philosopher Reads Fiction

May, 2000 -- Douglas Den Uyl's new "reader's companion" to The Fountainhead is a curiosity, for it is a work of literary criticism focused

Jan 25, 2012
10 Mins
Why Man Needs Art

Art is widely thought of as indefinable, inherently subjective, and disconnected from any practical need or concern. Many modern thinkers

Jan 25, 2012
David Kelley Ph.D
7 Mins
Completing Rand's Literary Theory

Ayn Rand was that most delightful of philosophers—the philosopher who proposes large and interesting theories, and allows them to remain...

Sep 28, 2011
Stephen Cox
10 Mins
Song for Spanish Guitar

In Barcelona's summer night..

Jul 28, 2011
Walter Donway
2 Mins
Atlas Shrugged as Literature

One day in the 1940’s, a young reporter asked Ayn Rand about the new novel he heard that she was planning.

Apr 5, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
8 Mins

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