ホーム目的論と自尊心の心理学 - ナサニエル・ブランデン教育アトラス大学
目的論と自尊心の心理学 - ナサニエル・ブランデン

目的論と自尊心の心理学 - ナサニエル・ブランデン

December 5, 2014

nathaniel branden rip objectivism atlas society self-esteem

At our organization’s 1996 Summer Seminar, in Boulder, Colorado, Nathaniel Branden made the first of many appearances at our events. This lecture was also a first on a larger scale, as he acknowledged in his opening words:

"This is the very first time in 28 years that I have addressed an Objectivist audience, and it is a more thrilling experience for me than I have any words to communicate to you. I feel that in being here I have come home to a very important part of myself, from which I needed to separate for a while in order to gain perspective."

The lecture is followed by a short Q&A .

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