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Os bate-papos da Atlas Society

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Jason Hill - Ayn Rand and Sex Part 2

March 30, 2022
Join our Senior Scholar, Dr. Jason Hill for Part 2 of his special Clubhouse series on Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Sex.

Robert Tracinski - Ayn Rand's Case for a Secular Morailty

March 29, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski where he will discuss a key conservative objection to Objectivism stating that it is impossible to have morality without a religious foundation. Join us as Tracinski answers: Can we be good without God? and What is Ayn Rand’s argument for secular morality?

David Kelley - On Objectivity

Join our founder, Dr. David Kelley where he will discuss how Objectivity is fundamental to Objectivism but it seems to be an increasingly scarce commodity. What are threats to objectivity and how can individuals improve the objectivity with which they approach contentious topics?




March 23, 2022
Join our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, and Professor Dorian Abbot on the 97th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as two discuss his experience of being canceled for expressing views at odds within "woke" academia, the status of open inquiry on campus, and his work to dismantle "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion."

Robert Tracinski - Why We Keep Government Out of the Culture Wars

March 22, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski where he will discuss the threat of “woke” conformity, causing some to want to bring in politicians to have someone “on our side.” Why shouldn’t we bring government into the culture wars?

Richard Salsman - Distinguishing Four Types of Equality

March 17, 2022
Join our Senior Scholar and Professor of economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for "Distinguishing Four Types of Equality" where he will tackle the question of "What is Equality?" and four schools of thought on the matter.


March 16, 2022
Join our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, and the founder of the XPRIZE Foundation, Peter Diamandis, on the 96th episode of The Atlas Society Asks. Listen as they explore the power of a positive mindset, the future of exponential technologies, and why "Atlas Shrugged" became Diamandis' "bible" in his entrepreneurial journey.

Robert Tracinski - The Problem of Expertise

March 15, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for "The Problem of Expertise" where he will ask: How does a non-expert figure out how to rely on the advice of experts? How do we figure out who is a "real" expert and who isn't? How can we be "independent thinkers" if we have to rely on the knowledge of others?

The Atlas Society Asks Kenny Xu

March 9, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with the president of Color Us United, Kenny Xu on combating identity politics and race-conscious admissions in colleges like Harvard, which discriminates against high-achieving kids. As the president of Color Us United, Xu works to counter government, corporate, and media claims that America is a racially divided and hateful country.

Jason Hill - Ayn Rand and Sex Part 1

March 9, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Jason Hill for Part 1 of a special 2-Part Clubhouse series exploring Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Sex.

Robert Tracinski - Ask Me Anything - March 2022

March 8, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special "Ask Me Anything" where Tracinski takes questions from our audience and over 63K Instagram followers on Objectivism, foreign policy, politics, culture, and music.

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything - March 2022

March 3, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for a special "Ask Me Anything" event where Dr. Salsman answers your questions on Objectivism, monetary policy, politics, and more.


March 2, 2022
Join The Atlas Society Senior Scholar Dr. Stephen Hicks and Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski with host and Student Programs Manager Abbie Berringer for an Objectivist perspective on the war between Russia and Ukraine on the 94th episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - The Ethics of Protest

March 1, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for his topic "The Ethics of Protest" where he will discuss: When is political power justified, and what kind of protest is justified in response to what kind of grievance? Is there a principled answer, and what are the principles behind it?

Jason Hill - Ask Me Anything

February 28, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman and Senior Scholar Dr. Jason Hill for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where Professor Hill will be fielding questions from the audience and choosing a few questions submitted every week by our over 63,000 followers on Instagram.

David Kelley - Ask Me Anything

Join our founder, Dr. David Kelley for a special "Ask Me Anything" discussion where David Kelley will be taking questions from YOU and our 63K Instagram followers on philosophy, politics, Objectivism, and more.




February 23, 2022
Join The Atlas Society's CEO, Jennifer Grossman, for a conversation with the co-founder of the Reason Foundation, Robert "Bob" Poole. Listen as the two discuss Biden’s infrastructure plan, innovations in transportation, the future of privatization, and of course their shared love of Ayn Rand -- and Robert Heinlein. All this and more on the 93rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks.

Robert Tracinski - The Pandemic: Is There Any End in Sight?

February 22, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski as he presents “The Pandemic: Is There Any End in Sight?” where he will talk about the receding Omicron wave and ask: Is the COVID pandemic finally ending? What does an end to the pandemic even look like? What should be dismantled, and what should we have done better?

Richard Salsman - Is Objectivism a Religion?

February 17, 2022
Join our Senior Scholar and Professor of economics at Duke, Dr. Richard Salsman for "Is Objectivism a religion" where he will discuss faith vs reason, dogmatism vs skepticism, and closed vs open Objectivism. Be sure to join in with your questions and thoughts as Salsman also discusses Ayn Rand on atheism and religion as a "primitive form of philosophy."

Promovemos o objetivismo aberto: a filosofia da razão, realização, individualismo e liberdade.