

Are Congressional Staffers Engaged in Insider Trading?

Professor Bainbridge explains the current law on insider trading here , and argues that the staffers could be found in violation of insider

Oct 13, 2010
Oral Arguments in Connick v. Thompson

The oral arguments in the prosecutorial misconduct case Connick v. Thompson , which I referred to here , apparently went well. Louisiana

Oct 8, 2010
Victimless Crimes

Objectivism holds that the basis of all law should be individual rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are commonly called...

Oct 4, 2010
The Galleon Case Has It All

The Business Rights Watch covers a number of different issues: Overcriminalzation is one, obviously, the process of making illegal that whic

Sep 30, 2010
Organized Government

Please see our Q&A " What is the Objectivist View of Law and Government ?" which describes the general Objectivist approach to politics. Thi

Natural Rights

Rights are fundamental political principles. As such, they are based in morality. They summarize how human beings ought to be treated in a


In my last blog post, “ When Only Ayn Rand Says It All ,” I promised to say more about the continuing prosecution of James Brown as part....

Sep 19, 2010
Let's Jail Prosecutors Who "Obstruct Justice"

In my investigation of the Jamie Olis case, I wrote: Following the collapse of Enron in December 2001, the city of Houston became the

Sep 18, 2010
Sauce for the Producer Is Sauce for the Panderer?

Todd Henderson, of the group blog “Truth on the Market,” had a suggestion last Thursday : Subject politicians to the same good-governance

Sep 13, 2010
How Price Gouging Laws Make Hurricanes Worse

Part of the frustration we feel at these shortages is caused by the very price-gouging laws that our elected officials assure us are for...

Aug 20, 2010
Frank Bubb
Nat Hentoff and David Kelley on Libel Laws, Pro and Con

libel laws pro and conFrom Libertarianism.org: "In this video from a 1986 Free Press Association event, Nat Hentoff and David Kelley engage

Aug 15, 2010
Cara Ellison、アトラスを擁護

Cara Ellison is one of the very few bloggers who defends fallen businessmen. She is particularly passionate about Enron, where she worked...

Aug 7, 2010
Astonishing Accusations Against Federal Judge

"Better the US government should violate the rule of law in 87 ways than that one kosher butcher should violate securities law in 87 ways"?

Aug 7, 2010
If You Discover Insider Trading, Can You Trade on Your Discovery?

It seems that SMARTS Software , developed in part by Professor Mike Aitken , has now been sold to 150 brokers worldwide who use “its...

Aug 4, 2010
Wyly Update: Insider-Trading Charge Is "Edgy"

I am always surprised to find a report more sympathetic than I am to businessmen facing legal persecution--and when the report comes from

Jul 31, 2010
Why Is Payola Illegal? The Univision Case

It seems that Stanley Kurtz has an interesting book coming out this fall: Radical-in-Chief . Even before publication, it is provoking some

Jul 30, 2010

The Department of Justice (sic) has admitted that, as part of a 2007 “deferred prosecution agreement” it entered into with Amex, former

Jul 11, 2010

Tom Kirkendall, of the always illuminating “Houston’s Clear Thinkers” blog, writes about the legal troubles at Dell and founder Michael Dell

Jul 8, 2010
SEC v. ロレッヒとネグリム

Solomon L. Wisenberg, guest-blogging at White Collar Crime Pof Blog, writes about the SEC’s total defeat in the insider-trading case of SEC

Jul 3, 2010
The Persuasion of Nixon

April 16, 1967. A wet, icy wind blew off the Charles River and howled down the wide channel of Massachusetts Avenue, gusting into narrow ...


Nous promouvons un objectivisme ouvert : la philosophie de la raison, de la réussite, de l'individualisme et de la liberté.